Read DICOM files.
Backend Library: internal
A format for reading DICOM images: a common format used to store medical image data, such as X-ray, CT and MRI.
This format borrows some code (and ideas) from the pydicom project. However, only a predefined subset of tags are extracted from the file. This allows for great simplifications allowing us to make a stand-alone reader, and also results in a much faster read time.
By default, only uncompressed and deflated transfer syntaxes are supported. If gdcm or dcmtk is installed, these will be used to automatically convert the data. See malaterre/GDCM for installing GDCM.
This format provides functionality to group images of the same series together, thus extracting volumes (and multiple volumes). Using volread will attempt to yield a volume. If multiple volumes are present, the first one is given. Using mimread will simply yield all images in the given directory (not taking series into account).
- progress{True, False, BaseProgressIndicator}
Whether to show progress when reading from multiple files. Default True. By passing an object that inherits from BaseProgressIndicator, the way in which progress is reported can be costumized.