TIFF TIFF format

Extensions: .tif, .tiff, .stk, .lsm

Provides support for a wide range of Tiff images.

Images that contain multiple pages can be read using imageio.mimread() to read the individual pages, or imageio.volread() to obtain a single (higher dimensional) array.

Parameters for reading

offset : int
Optional start position of embedded file. By default this is the current file position.
size : int
Optional size of embedded file. By default this is the number of bytes from the ‘offset’ to the end of the file.
multifile : bool
If True (default), series may include pages from multiple files. Currently applies to OME-TIFF only.
multifile_close : bool
If True (default), keep the handles of other files in multifile series closed. This is inefficient when few files refer to many pages. If False, the C runtime may run out of resources.

Parameters for saving

bigtiff : bool
If True, the BigTIFF format is used.
byteorder : {‘<’, ‘>’}
The endianness of the data in the file. By default this is the system’s native byte order.
software : str
Name of the software used to create the image. Saved with the first page only.

Metadata for reading

planar_configuration : {‘contig’, ‘planar’}
Specifies if samples are stored contiguous or in separate planes. By default this setting is inferred from the data shape. ‘contig’: last dimension contains samples. ‘planar’: third last dimension contains samples.
resolution_unit : (float, float) or ((int, int), (int, int))
X and Y resolution in dots per inch as float or rational numbers.
compression : int
Values from 0 to 9 indicating the level of zlib compression. If 0, data is uncompressed.
orientation : {‘top_left’, ‘bottom_right’, …}
Oriented of image array.
is_rgb : bool
True if page contains a RGB image.
is_contig : bool
True if page contains a contiguous image.
is_tiled : bool
True if page contains tiled image.
is_palette : bool
True if page contains a palette-colored image and not OME or STK.
is_reduced : bool
True if page is a reduced image of another image.
is_shaped : bool
True if page contains shape in image_description tag.
is_fluoview : bool
True if page contains FluoView MM_STAMP tag.
is_nih : bool
True if page contains NIH image header.
is_micromanager : bool
True if page contains Micro-Manager metadata.
is_ome : bool
True if page contains OME-XML in image_description tag.
is_sgi : bool
True if page contains SGI image and tile depth tags.
is_stk : bool
True if page contains UIC2Tag tag.
is_mdgel : bool
True if page contains md_file_tag tag.
is_mediacy : bool
True if page contains Media Cybernetics Id tag.
is_stk : bool
True if page contains UIC2Tag tag.
is_lsm : bool
True if page contains LSM CZ_LSM_INFO tag.
description : str
Image description
description1 : str
Additional description
is_imagej : None or str
ImageJ metadata
software : str
Software used to create the TIFF file
datetime : datetime.datetime
Creation date and time

Metadata for writing

photometric : {‘minisblack’, ‘miniswhite’, ‘rgb’}
The color space of the image data. By default this setting is inferred from the data shape.
planarconfig : {‘contig’, ‘planar’}
Specifies if samples are stored contiguous or in separate planes. By default this setting is inferred from the data shape. ‘contig’: last dimension contains samples. ‘planar’: third last dimension contains samples.
resolution : (float, float) or ((int, int), (int, int))
X and Y resolution in dots per inch as float or rational numbers.
description : str
The subject of the image. Saved with the first page only.
compress : int
Values from 0 to 9 controlling the level of zlib compression. If 0, data are written uncompressed (default).
volume : bool
If True, volume data are stored in one tile (if applicable) using the SGI image_depth and tile_depth tags. Image width and depth must be multiple of 16. Few software can read this format, e.g. MeVisLab.
writeshape : bool
If True, write the data shape to the image_description tag if necessary and no other description is given.
extratags: sequence of tuples

Additional tags as [(code, dtype, count, value, writeonce)].

code : int
The TIFF tag Id.
dtype : str
Data type of items in ‘value’ in Python struct format. One of B, s, H, I, 2I, b, h, i, f, d, Q, or q.
count : int
Number of data values. Not used for string values.
value : sequence
‘Count’ values compatible with ‘dtype’.
writeonce : bool
If True, the tag is written to the first page only.